Monday, April 5, 2010

Unemployment Benefits Expire For Thousands

I came across a new topic on the CNN website titled Unemployment benefits expire for thousands and became curious of the content of the article because so many Americans are unemployed due to the current recession. I wondered why our government would cut this assistance received by so many American citizens. As I read the article I became aware that this issue is a partisan issue which means that both parties agree on the topic. So are you wondering if many Americans are left without long term unemployed benefits? The answer is "yes." Reading the article to my understanding the Senate decided to go on with their spring recession without approving a one month deadline extension for long term unemployment benefits for unemployed Americans. As of Monday April 5, 2010 at least two hundred twelve thousand Americans will be affected by this decision. Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning was the first to object to the deficit back in January. Now Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn is not willing single handedly to accept the reason for the extension not being met. He states that he voted to stay in session to work on fixing the bill stating “"Congress had several opportunities to extend these benefits in a fiscally-responsible manner before our Easter break but rejected all of them. It's time for Congress to do what's right for both the unemployed and future generations and do the hard work of paying for important priorities.” Bunning and Coburn believe that other government spending should be cut in order to pay for the bill instead of increasing the countries deficit. So instead of agreeing on an emergency extension with the belief that the country will find the money to pay for it in the future Coburn in my opinion with out his unanimous vote depleted thousands of benefits not only for adults but for children as well. It is to my understanding that one of the reasons backing this reasoning is because if we continue to put ourselves in debt the future generation of our children will be paying the price for decisions being made now. Many people disagree and say the future is now. This is one of those issues similar to ones in every day life where you have to hope for the best in the future because you have to make the most humane choice in the present.

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