Friday, March 12, 2010

Texas Education Board Approves Conservative Curriculum Changes By Far-Right

I recently have heard discussion between family members who are educators here in Texas about Texas textbooks and new content of history that will be taught if the Texas Board of Education approves certain changes. So when I came across the article Texas Education Board Approves Conservative Curriculum Changes By Far-Right, I had to read it and become familiar with the debate that I was reminded of between two my Aunt’s. The article is written by April Castro who is an associated press writer for the Huffington Post and who has written several articles concerning Texas politics which can be found on her blog page at Her article is definitely geared towards parents, and educators. In her article she outlines the topics of history that would be introduced and spoken differently than what has been taught the last twenty years. Castro states “Following three days of impassioned and acrimonious debate, the board gave preliminary approval to the new standards with a 10-5 party line-vote”. Indicating after public comment and the final vote in May teachers will be required to cover the Judeo-Christian influences of the nation's Founding Fathers, but not stress the reason for the separation of Church and government. I think this a great new perspective instead of always ruling out church in everything. Our founding father’s came with the intent of free religion, or we would not have a United States to begin with. Also the new curriculum norms will have teachers teaching government described as a “constitutional republic” as opposed to a “democracy.” If you are wondering the difference between the two titles, democracy defines as: Rule by the people, and constitutional republic defined by John Adams is, “government of laws and not of men” which does not make sense in my opinion. Even teaching it with this title we are still practicing the same government. Teachers will also be required to teach the down fall of the devaluation of the U.S. dollar, including the abandonment of the gold standard. I have to say I think this is great because even I do not know the decline of the U.S. monetary system. Pat Hardy a republican and long time teacher says by doing this we are taking something that is already long and making it longer. It is too much for the teachers in her opinion to teach so much information in a short amount of time. I understand the point she is trying to prove but had it been this way in the first place it would be something she didn't realize so lengthy because teachers in general would be accustomed to it. As they will be become if the final vote in May approves. In my conclusion the addition of the contribution of other Texas minority groups would enhance a students understanding of our historical melting pot.

1 comment:

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