Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Appreciated Government

I feel that my classmate and I are on the same page on what we have learned from this government class. I truly appreciate knowing that one of my classmate’s opinions regarding what we have gained from this government class is positive and grateful. Reading Viola’s commentary which is titled Blog VII made me realize that now when I sit at the break room table at work with all of my co-workers talking about politics, or my family or whoever I come across that wants to talk about it. I have an opinion to state because I understand about what is going on. I have the right and a place as an American citizen to speak my mind because I have the liberty of freedom of speech that I took for granted just as well as I took voting for granted.

Viola states that “knowledge is power when it comes to our government.” I could not agree with her more. The more you know about the history of our government and the way it works. The more you want to become involved because you understand the founding and establishment of it, and what it represents. It gives you motivation to hold it true to what it does represent. Viola mentions that she has realized how important Special Interests groups are and how much difference you can make in our country by participating and being apart of such organizations.

Serving as a delegate for the Hilary Clinton Campaign, and treasurer of her HOA, she realizes government is everywhere. I believe she is correct, I work in a Pharmacy and even in a pharmacy there are government influenced laws that the pharmacy has to abide by such as the FDA as well as Texas State Board of Pharmacy policies. I have realized that many of the laws are influenced by federal laws and learning what I have from this class gave me the opportunity to understand these laws more properly and the reason for their implementation. I also agree with Viola when she says that we have a well established system of checks and balances within our government. We both believe that these checks and balances have worked so well for the U.S. that many have gone through hardships trying to seek it.

In conclusion the use of her statement “The seeds that have been planted while taking this government class give me a sense of awareness that I did not have before” nailed it for me. I definitely want to be involved more in politics as an American citizen because my knowledge of American government is broad now, and I have confidence that my voice of opinion can make a difference when before my ignorance allowed me to believe it really didn’t matter. I believe the Texas law that these government classes are a requirement to obtaining your degree is vital, and whoever proposed them and implemented them knew what they were doing when they passed it. I hope too to pass my knowledge gained from this class on to others that may not have the chance to learn what I have learned.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Napolitano calls Arizona immigration law a ‘cry of frustration’

I can’t help but to do my second to last blog of the semester geared towards the new law that has been passed in Arizona. Yes, I am Hispanic and the law outrages me. I’m not even in Arizona. But after reading through my suggested sources and literally looking for the stories about this law I am appreciative to see that there are some political figures that are just as outraged by it.

One article that I appreciated reading the most was one I found on the CNN website under politics titled Napolitano calls Arizona immigration law a ‘cry of frustration’. Not only did I read the article I appreciated all of the peoples comments below it that fueled my argument. I think it especially stuck out from all the other articles because Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano not only finds the law racially profiling, but makes a good point by saying that it now pushes Arizona police officers to be more geared towards putting this new law into effect than on other higher priority crimes. I was also pleased to see there was harsh rejection from Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico in passing the law, and Democratic Luis Gutierrez was arrested for protesting outside the white house.

I think what truly bothered me when I first heard about this is that probably Hispanics like myself who have never even stepped on Mexican land are being pulled over because they look Hispanic. My first reaction is that this is racial profiling. I don’t have legal papers I was born in Kansas, and yes I speak Spanish but I don’t consider it my first language!! What happens if I forget my wallet and get pulled over and have nothing? Are they going to ship me away???!!! Is this going to spread all the way here to Texas? This is awful!! There has to be a better way on cracking down on immigration.

Reading the comments below this article I came across one that the individual’s opinion towards the law was as if this is the way it needs to be, and tried to explain their opinion by comparing our country to a crowed elevator if we just keep letting immigrants come across the borders. They even stated that if these immigrants were forced to work for free (in reference to jobs now mainly performed by Hispanics) they would stop trying to cross it. I couldn’t believe I was reading this. Then who would do these jobs??? Him I hope!! But reading his comment brought to mind that the first people who came to this country that brought about the establishment of our government migrated here for freedom of religion and rights. Also in other words we are all generations of generations of our passed family that migrated here either from across the border or across the Atlantic and where ever else. I don’t think we should be prejudice about or towards immigrants. Everyone wants better for themselves.

I am not saying I am against immigration reform but I think there has to be a better way to go about it than passing laws like this one that make Hispanics like my self feel stereotyped. I sometimes feel in certain situations like I’m treated like I’m the immigrant when I’m not nor are the millions of Hispanics that feel the same way I do and that have received the same treatment.