Monday, February 15, 2010

Can Republicans Win Big as the Party of No?

This article "Can Republicans Win Big as the Party of No"? was very interesting to me because of simply the title. I wanted to know what "No" was referring to. Why was it implying that the Republican party win "Big"? I thought we had a Democratic President. As you can see I am a naive to government and politics. But after reading it and discussing it with a politically involved individual. The whole U.S. Government and what is currently going on is beginning to unravel. I know I have said in my profile that I have voted in the last two elections, but I do as a civic duty and I try my best when determining who I am voting for. In this article I wanted to know why Republicans are voting "No", and what are they voting for. In this particular article it became more clear what the health care reform is and who is "for" and who is "against" it. It made me more aware of the new stimulus of health care reform, and how currently it was not passed due to Republicans gaining more seats in the House of Representatives and Senate, and why more seats were gained by the Republicans. Obama has proposed the new stimulus and more global efficient policies that Republicans bilaterally voted against. In his state of the Union he has asked to gain a more bipartisanship to work towards America's goals. He definitely does not deny that the Republicans have legitimate policy ideas. He did state though that "voting no is only good for short term politics". I think it is great our President is willing to work hand in hand with the Republicans to come to terms for the citizens he represents instead of only confining to one way or the other.